Unlocking Endurance and Fat Burn with Anti-Glycotic Training | Chase Jackson's Insights on HIIT & Mindset


In this episode, Chase Jackson discusses the benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and introduces the concept of anti-glycotic training. He explains how anti-glycotic training focuses on producing less lactic acid to improve endurance and burn fat. Chase also explores the difference between the training mindset and the trusting mindset, emphasizing the importance of trusting your skills during performance. Additionally, he discusses the negative effects of consuming soy protein and recommends opting for fermented soy products instead.


00:00 - Introduction

00:34 - Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training

01:32 - Introduction to Anti-Glycotic Training

05:26 - Anti-Glycotic Training and Mitochondria

07:13 - Comparison of Anti-Glycotic Training and High Intensity Interval Training

10:48 - Training Mindset vs Trusting Mindset

13:12 - The Importance of Mental Performance in Sports and Business

20:32 - The Negative Effects of Soy Protein

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