Genetic Testing

Find Out Why you are not Looking, Feeling and Performing at your Best

Are you looking to Unlock your Physical and Mental Potential and Reach Peak Performance?

Take our Methylation Panel.

High performing professional athletes trust us to build legacy building results

The Invisible Process In Charge of Your Gut, Hormone, and Mental Health

When you consume nutrients, you consume a lot of raw material that must be converted into a form the body can use. How does that raw material turn into hormones, neurons, and more? The process is called methylation — and it focuses on transferring methyl from one molecule to another in order to create bioactive compounds.

Methylation is responsible for hundreds of functions in the body. While methylation has become a hot-button topic in the wellness world, its effects on health are still being studied. The best way to improve methylation is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Why Methylation is a hot topic?

Methylation is responsible for hundreds of functions in the body. While methylation has become a hot-button topic in the wellness world, its effects on health are still being studied. The best way to improve methylation is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet.

A gene mutation called MTHFR can affect your body’s methylation process — particularly your ability to create the active B vitamin folate. About 40% of the population carries this gene mutation. Certain symptoms may clue you into whether or not you are a carrier of MTHFR.Methylation is the transfer of simple molecules in the body to bioactive compounds. Sound complicated? Here’s a less sciency way of saying it (for everyone who wasn’t a biology major):

Process for methylation


The process of methylation captures non-usable raw materials in the body and turns them into usable materials.


When methylation is functioning properly, a methyl group (consisting of four atoms — one carbon and three hydrogens), will transfer from one molecule to another. 


Methylation activation is a vital switch for optimal heart, sleep, libido, hormone, gut, and mental health. In contrast, its deactivation hinders peak functioning across various bodily processes.

So who should care about the methylation process?

The answer is — everyone

But particularly people who struggle with food sensitivities, poor sleep, hormones, thyroid issues, or chronic illness.

As seen in
How the Genetic Testing Process Works

There’s no “one size fits all”— your body is unique and your protocol should be too.



We’ll send you a kit and instructions on how to do it all. Easy and Simple.



Our sport scientists will review the results of your gene test and provide you with a report, along with recommendations, based on what your genetics tell us.



We will help you best understand not only where you are at now, but what your body has the potential to become.